Burnin' Down the 'Wick
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A quick post. This completely blew me away, I didn't even believe until I saw for myself . The first 5 photographs were taken by my son Tristan around 10 am Saturday morning, the last 4 by myself around 8 to 8:30 am on Saturday. All indications are arson, but nobody can say who. From what I know, the fire was first noticed around 3:00 am on Saturday morning, it took the fire department no more than 3 minutes to respond (they are close by), and yet the fire was so extensive that it took over an hour to extinguish.
Whomever torched the 'Wick was a complete, blithering idiot. Look at the hydro pole in the picture above, in front of the Tim Hortons. There's a SECURITY CAMERA run by the city covering that whole corner. These cameras are operated by the city of London, and yes, they keep the recordings for review. the two back walls along the rear of the Wick and the parking lot are solid, no doors or windows, so you would have to come down either sidewalk to get at the place.
I think we need to invent a new phrase:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A quick post. This completely blew me away, I didn't even believe until I saw for myself . The first 5 photographs were taken by my son Tristan around 10 am Saturday morning, the last 4 by myself around 8 to 8:30 am on Saturday. All indications are arson, but nobody can say who. From what I know, the fire was first noticed around 3:00 am on Saturday morning, it took the fire department no more than 3 minutes to respond (they are close by), and yet the fire was so extensive that it took over an hour to extinguish.
Whomever torched the 'Wick was a complete, blithering idiot. Look at the hydro pole in the picture above, in front of the Tim Hortons. There's a SECURITY CAMERA run by the city covering that whole corner. These cameras are operated by the city of London, and yes, they keep the recordings for review. the two back walls along the rear of the Wick and the parking lot are solid, no doors or windows, so you would have to come down either sidewalk to get at the place.
I think we need to invent a new phrase:
Burnin' Down the 'Wick
- an action of complete redundant stupidity, one step past rubbing salt in a wound or flogging a dead horse, the end result of this action being the creation of the SNAFU from Hell, which ultimately grows into Titanic proportions and creates a series of smaller hardships and SANFUs for many innocent people.
Burnin' Down the 'Wick
- an action of complete redundant stupidity, one step past rubbing salt in a wound or flogging a dead horse, the end result of this action being the creation of the SNAFU from Hell, which ultimately grows into Titanic proportions and creates a series of smaller hardships and SANFUs for many innocent people.

To solve this one, an undercover cop at the Richmond could ID the flunkiie drinking heavily without paying.
Then look for that stiff on the surveillance videotape about 2 am onward.
On Monday Nov.3, about 1:30 in the afternoon I parked in the Timmy's and got out and took several pictures of cityworkers around the Wick. There was a power shovel in the middle of the road, behind orange cones, and a few white trucks with the city logo on them. When I stood on the sidewalk beside the Greyhound station somebody in an orange vest moved the cones and the powershovel driver came right at me in a very intimidating manner, lifting the shovel and coming within a feather of knocking down a street sign, and there was no reason for him to move his power shovel in such a way. I noticed the looks on some of the faces of the many orange vests workers when they noticed me taking pictures, they looked like they did not want their pictures taken, and they got in their city of london trucks and left the scene like they were in a hurry to get someplace else.
Members of the 107th Regiment of the Royal Canadian City Hogs (CUPE Local 107) can be very wary of having their photograph taken, just like the tribesmen of the Umma-Gummas.
Anybody know where Dan Dencev lives and how flammable his home is?
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